Friday, November 12, 2010


Well, Good day, and thanks for tuning in.

This is a blog about air power—yes, military air power. I'm going to talk very loosely and amateurishly about planes, guns, bombs, rockets, and the people in, on, under, and behind them—plus related matters topical, tropical, frivolous, and deep. I’ll include sharp remarks on strategy and philosophy when and if I can make them, but don’t expect a lot of that, and don’t expect technical expertise. These are strictly personal asides. Valentines, even.

I’m going to admire aircraft all over and up and down, and I’m going to pass along a few good stories that have come my way, and I’ll probably indulge in the occasional rebuke of folks who think we don’t need jet fighters, short- or long-range bombers, massive transport planes, UAVs, ICBMs, manned spacecraft, the Mars rovers (I don’t care how much they cost), or multiple military museums preserving and celebrating all of the above. I know who you detractors are, and you’re all good people. You’re just wrong.

What you won’t find here are links. At least not in the text. If I refer to something I’ve read or seen I’ll be sure to give you the details you need to find it. Then you look it up. Because no, I’m not doing this to save you time. I’m doing it to save my sanity.

Now for the full disclosure: I have an attachment to the USAF—my father was a lifer. But that doesn’t mean I'm insensitive to naval, marine, or even commercial aviation. As Jerry Brown would say, “I concede: they exist.”

It should go without saying that I’m a civilian. I have no orders, no superiors, very little shame, and not a damn thing to lose. So I’ll just let fly.

About that acronym. A warm, wet, virtual kiss to whoever decodes it first.

Postscript: Carrier

I don’t want to go all service branch on you, but since that smart-alecky remark above I feel a need to make amends to the sisters.

The first thing, of course, is that if there is anything remotely as magnificent, heroic, and gorgeous as an aircraft, it’s a ship. After that it’s a sub. After that it’s a horse. Some of you might put a Beretta or a Humvee before the horse, I don’t know. This is my list.

The second thing is Carrier, the film. I don’t have to tell you what a thing of beauty that was. You know it, everybody knows it. It’s up there with Das Boot, A Walk in the Sun, Paths of Glory, Grand Illusion. (Didn’t see Hurt Locker, sorry.) I believe this film is now so beloved that the poorer public television stations have set it on endless loop. Good for them. Here in Tashkent it shows up in marathon reruns in the summer and around holidays—any holiday. It’s good for the Fourth, Christmas, Passover. It’s interfaith, interhuman.

I loved everybody on that boat. I loved their little dramas and intimacies and failures and loneliness. I loved the pace of sweltering days, the pitching deck at night. I loved the E-3s and the flyboys and the halos of duty that hovered over them. I loved the jokes. I loved the musical score. I loved the ship—a theater on the ocean, a sexy beast. Most of all I loved the shooters, those tiny Orions vaulting our warbirds. Here’s to them and their dancing boots.

Yes, I’ll get back to the birds next post. And if it’s all the same to you I’d like to begin with—Black Nan.

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